Position of ‘Association for Development of Gorna Lipnitsa’ Against the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on Investment Proposal by ’Petrurgia’ LTD “Construction of a Logistics and Storage Base for Stone Fraction, Factory for Production of Stone Wool, Energy Source for Production Needs, Building Stock and Sites for ‘Varbovka’ Deposit, Village of Varbovka, Pavlikeni Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo District” (EIA Report)
On January 10, 2022, within the statutory deadline, ‘Association for Development of Gorna Lipnitsa’ submitted a position to the director of the Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Waters – Veliko Tarnovo and to the mayor of Pavlikeni Municipality, in which we categorically expressed our disagreement with the Environmental Impact Assessment Report on Investment Proposal "Construction of Logistics and Storage Base for Stone Fraction, Factory for Production of Stone Wool, Energy Source for Production Needs, Building Stock and Sites for ‘Varbovka’ Deposit, Village of Varbovka, Pavlikeni Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo District” (EIA Report).
Our vision for the development of Gorna Lipnitsa and the region, a vision we have developed over and whose principles have guided our work and actions for the last 10 years, is in complete conflict with the proposed investment proposal. Unlike the investment proposal, our vision offers a road map to the most sustainable way to fully develop the potential of the place and the people. Because we believe in policies and concepts that look ahead of the present instead of just trying to keep up with it, we see the future of this region as follows: healthy and happy people living in beautiful and clean land where organic farming is thriving; increased public participation in the decision-making process; continuing development of the traditional for the region wine production, animal husbandry, beekeeping, growing flowers and decorative shrubs; cultural, historical and spiritual tourism; attracting more people to the villages by improving opportunities for remote work, which would also help reduce population in the big cities and in turn make them more livable as well; development of sports in the region; preservation of schools and kindergartens; improvement of the infrastructure in the towns and villages of the region, etc. All this would remain just a utopia if this project is realized.
We say NO to policies that force the retreat of life from the Pavlikeni region. We call upon you to engage in civic activism and vigilance with the full awareness that the future of our land and our children is in our hands.
You can sign the PETITION against the investment proposal by “Petrurgia” LTD here: PETITION